Easily convert Pixels to EMs online with PXtoEM
PXtoEM.com is a simple tool can be pretty useful when writting CSS. It allows you to convert Pixels to EMs and viceversa directly on the site.The tool was crafted by front-end engineer Brian Cray. Check out his homepage for some other cool resources.
Random Thing Generator: generate placeholder Names, Addresses & Business names
If you happen to need a fictional name, street address and business name to use as a placeholder in your designs, the Random Thing Generator can be a very handy tool. Even more so if you’re designing a list of users, or greeting cards for various users. If you need more data than displayed at…
The best way to get something done is to begin
I’ve been trying to start this blog for several years. Was I lacking the courage, a clear idea, or something else, I don’t know. Maybe all of it. One of the things I couldn’t decide on was the name, but why is that so important? Well, the name is one of the things that define…